Efficient Air Production

On this project we planned to install a 100 HP Kaishan Direct Drive Air Compressor. an Altek 625 CMF Refrigerated Dryer, and two tanks to support volume. Our customer had been suffering with a failing dryer and an air compressor that had become too small to support their growing operation. Due to the water in his air lines he had to replace various pieces of equiment causing down time and extra expenses. 


Wet Tank, Dryer, And Dry Tank

They first task was to disconnect the original air compressor and create an auxiliary path to facilitate air flow from the temporary air compressor. Our main concern was to keep the factory in production.

We removed the old air compressor and set the new tanks in place. We then set the dryer in position. we set the preliminary connections to connect the tanks and dryer first to prevent as much moisture build up in the lines as quickly as possible.

We moved the new 100 HP air compressor in to position and connected air lines and electrical connections.

In the system we created the air flows from the air compressor to a wet tank, then to the dryer, then to the dry tank, and then to the main line feeding the factory. 



15825 HWY 249 Suite 35

